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陳俊誠 貼文紀錄








比賽已在6/15結束,現公佈我的命題答案:1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B


命例問題提供者:以八字作提問 陳俊誠師傅
Bazi question provided by Master Jun-Cheng Chen

男性 西曆 1962年生8月25日卯時(台灣出生)
Male: 25 August 1962, 5:00 – 7:00am (Born in Taiwan)

己 乙 戊 壬
卯 未 申 寅 乾造 6己酉 16庚戌 26辛亥 36壬子 46癸丑

1. 命主實情何者為真?A
1. Which of the followings is true for him?
A 長年茹素 (Vegetarian)
B 情慾重,婚後外遇對象不只一位 (Has strong sexual desire, had many affairs after marriage)
C 一兒一女 (Has 1 son and 1 daughter)
D 罹患肝病 (Has liver disease)

2. 命主於2007年之遭遇何者為真?C
2. What happened to him in 2007?
A 父親病逝 (Father died from sickness)
B 母親病逝 (Mother died from sickness)
C 妻子病逝 (Wife died from sickness)
D 長子車禍 (Eldest son had car accident)

3. 命主於2008年之遭遇何者為真?A
3. What happened to him in 2008?
A 父親病逝 (Father died from sickness)
B 母親病逝 (Mother died from sickness)
C 妻子病逝 (Wife died from sickness)
D 長子車禍 (Eldest son had car accident)

4. 截至2013年止,命主從事超過15年的職業是?D
4. Until 2013, what was his occupation in the past 15 years?
A 國家公務員(台灣) (Civil Servant in Taiwan)
B 保險業務 (Insurance related job)
C 作文老師 (Writing teacher)
D 樂器行老闆 (Owner of a musical instrument company)

5. 結算至2013年止,命主名下財產何者為真?B
5. Until 2013, which of the followings is true?
A 自購屋二筆、存款多於200萬台幣 (6.7萬美元)
[Bought 2 properties, had more than NT 2 million (USD 67000)]
B 自購屋二筆、存款少於200萬台幣 (6.7萬美元)
[Bought 2 properties, had less than NT 2 million (USD 67000)]
C 自購屋一筆、存款多於200萬台幣 (6.7萬美元)
[Bought 1 property, had more than NT 2 million (USD 67000)]
D 無購屋、存款少於200萬台幣 (6.7萬美元)
[Didn’t buy property, had less than NT 2 million NT (USD 67000)]